Disruption Of Silence

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Lore server C6. 1. 4 : ON LINE

Play Features

Post has published by Corso

If you’re interested in the Lineagedos project, join to our players community now and you will receive the founder’s Gift! Register here!


Patch C6.1.1 (2020)
  • Added Lost pirate chest
  • Added Silver coin chest
  • Added Bodahn’s Elixir
  • Added Mithren blessing
  • Added Parcel service
  • Added custom interface
  • Added/Fixed 1.451 other minor things
Patch C6.1.2 (2021)
  • Added lore quests Chapters 1 to 4
  • Added Abyss arena
  • Added Abyss pets
  • Added Auctioneer
  • Added mercenary system
  • Added Festive sweeper
  • Added Cursed weapon
  • Added Wedding system
  • Added/Fixed 817 other minor things
Patch C6.1.3 (2022)
  • Added lore quests Chapters 5 to 12
  • Added Kalanthia Island map
  • Added instance Morkaris Chasm
  • Added instance Mordrek Hole
  • Added instance Thorgar’s Temple
  • Added instance Galrauch Den
  • Added Abyss rift
  • Added interface update 1.1
  • Added Fishing system
  • Added World news NPC
  • Added/Fixed 972 other minor things
Patch C6.1.4 (2024)
  • Added Kalanthia Island expansion
  • Added Housing system
  • Added instance PVE Tower of infinitum
  • Added Eternal Siege
  • Added P2E system
  • Added Kalanthia’s strider racing
  • Added geodata update
  • Added GEOengine update
  • Added interface update 1.2
  • Added Adventurer’s Board
  • Added ENDGAME kalanthia farm quests
  • Added/Fixed 1.143 other minor things

Latest Activity

Faithful World

True to the original Lineage II: Interlude with new content based in our chronicle Disruption Of Silence that we are sure you are going to love.

Unique World

New lore and characters. Unique PVP features, pets and mounts. Explore our exclusive and custom-made quests, instances and maps.

Stable World

Own and unique L2j project in a server with the best features, Active Anticheat and most effective captcha against Bots and DualBox.


After two years of a long drought that caused widespread famine, the world was then struck by a strange and unfamiliar disease. With the population being weak and malnourished, hardly anything could be done. This time, tragedy had no mercy on anyone; the homes of the wealthy and the poor alike suffered the loss of their loved ones. The noble families who had political and economic control, maintaining order and security for the rest of the population, dissolved in internal fights to maintain power. The social equilibrium eventually broke down. Society fell into an era of darkness. Cities once ruled by the wealthy class became dangerous places full of crime; the security forces maintained by the nobility disappeared. Hundreds fled for safety to the countryside, trying to settle down and rebuild their lives, but they soon found themselves confronted by the criminal gangs running rampant throughout the world.

With no government protecting the people, everyone started to take care of their own security. Groups dedicated to providing security for new and old settlements began to appear; their services were well paid and in demand. For a while, these new forms of protection worked. The use of private guards became widespread among the small towns, and order seemed to be slowly returning.

Over time, the criminal groups became more organized and sophisticated. They grouped into guilds as the defenses of the once unprotected cities improved, and they stopped loitering around the settlements looking for an opportunity to commit a crime. They formed small, organized groups of mercenaries who offered their criminal services to the highest bidder. They were hired by other underworld bosses and even leaders of other cities to get rid of enemies or just loot a town. The authorities of some towns and cities decided to go a step further to improve the defenses of their homes. If a new problem with small mercenary armies arose, then the solution was to personally hunt down the members of these organized groups. It wasn’t long before the world entered a new stage of violence and barbarism. When civilization seemed to be emerging again among the world’s inhabitants, chaos took over every corner.

This peculiar war, where everyone seemed to be fighting against everyone else, brought a level of savagery rarely seen among the kingdoms. It seemed that the once respected and revered gods had abandoned those lands or had become indifferent to suffering and prayers. Anyone could have said that the deities had become deaf, but it wouldn’t be entirely true. There were those who observed from a distant place, far from the reach of the inhabitants of this world. They weren’t the gods to whom men pray, but they were curious about the evil that those little mortal beings were causing each other.

All the frenzy that the senseless war of men provoked in those beings who wished to establish their evil in any living being susceptible to corruption was, in some way, also perceived in this world. Some shaman leaders of the orc clans sensed that the spiritual world was in turmoil. An inevitable unbalancing of the established order was about to occur and would soon burst into the material realm.” […]

Lineagedos Lore


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Community Registration

Below you will see the registered players and clans. By clicking on them, you will see their profiles and be able to communicate with them. You can also register as a player and register your clan. If you do, you will receive the founder’s Gift.

3 Clans


40 Players

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If you register in the player community you will receive Founder’s Gift (7X Bodahn’s Elixir, Leather Cap, 5X Scroll of Escape, 2X Scroll of Resurrection, 15X Healing Potion and 10 Silver Coin). To receive it, talk to Corso in our discord.

If the clan leader registers his clan, he will receive 3 extra Bodahn’s Elixir!


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Morgan, the boatswain

Post has published by Corso
"She was rescued in the sea by Morkaris as a child after his ship was wrecked. She lost all her family in that accident andsince she had no one else in the world, she was under Morkaris' protection, joining him...
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+50% Drop Rate Weekend Event

Post has published by Corso
Be ready with your leather bags and wooden chests to be filled with abundance! During this event the drop chance will increse to x1.5 (Spoil and Adena excluded). All normal monsters are included in this bonus. Boss mobs and Raid Boss are...
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Silver Coin Chest Hunt Event

Post has published by Corso
Open your eyes wide and do not forget any corner to scrutinize. This event will make you rich if you turn out to be a good seeker. The event is very simple, 5 silver coin chests with 20 coins inside...
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Abyss Rift Event

Post has published by Corso
"The Masters of the Arena were once powerful beings that were worshiped by remote and unknown civilizations. As the eons passed, the ancient religions that brought together believers were forgotten, and with them the rites and prays that gave them...
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